
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why Go Organic?

These days everyone is talking about the health benefits of organic food.  If you have not already hopped on this emerging Tractor of Health trend, you might be wondering if it is really THAT big of a deal. True, organic foods cost more, but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.  Not only do organic foods taste better, but organic food production is better for the environment while helping to stimulate rural communities and maximize our scarce water resources.   Here are some more reasons to go organic:

Healthier Crops = A Healthier You
Containing fewer residues of pesticides, organic crops develop a natural defense mechanism in the form of chemicals all called phenols. Also, studies show that organic produce contains more vitamins and important trace minerals.

No Need to Fear 
Organic farming exercises a zero-tolerance approach towards genetically modified (GM) crops. The Soil Association, one of the UK's two organic accreditation organizations believes the effects GM crops are unknown and untested and no one knows what the long-term health implications really are.  By providing non-GM food, organic farming provides the worldwide consumer with options and the choice to know what they are getting - and just what went into bringing it to their table. 

More Environmentally Friendly
Organic farming minimizes the need for chemical inputs, thereby limiting damage to the environment. It is a more sustainable method of farming than conventional techniques and promotes biodiversity, or increased diversity of both plant and animal life.

Organic Meats – No Mystery Here
Grass fed meat is better for both the welfare of the animals and your health. Animals raised for slaughter on organic farms are not treated with hormones or antibiotics; they live freely outdoors and are fed natural diets for most if not all of their lives.

We will have more fun facts on why to go organic coming soon, but here is one last feel good fact for today - Foods that are not treated with preservatives or pesticides do not hold up as well as those that are when being transported long distances.   Therefore most organic foods, (especially fresh fruits and vegetables) are often sold locally, allowing you to support your local producers while making the healthier choice for you and your family to go organic! 


**Organic Trade Association (OTA) - “Us Organic Industry Overview”

**Organic Trade Association (OTA) - “10 Reasons to Go Organic”

**Royal Society of Chemistry (RCA)- ”Organic vs Non-organic Farming - The Debate”

**Organic Consumers Association (OCA) – “Organic Food Promotes Health & Ethical Choice