
Monday, October 17, 2011

Eating Organic Foods to Promote Weight Loss

Studies now show the obesity epidemic of the United States is not only a result of overeating and inactivity. The expanded usage of chemicals in processed food manufacturing has been identified as the main culprit.   Besides drinking plenty of water and exercising, another surefire practice to help you lose weight is eating healthy, organic foods!  A reduced-calorie diet centered around organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats, such as those found in nuts and seeds, can provide your body with the nutrition it needs to function properly as you lose weight. 

A look back at the history of food production in the United Stated shows synthetic chemicals, pesticides and hormones used in farming and food production today were not used fifty years ago.  The more processed the foods, the harder for the human body to actually recognize what we consume as food, and the harder it is to digest.  The leftovers that the body does not recognize and cannot be used for energy or get rid of become stored in the body and cause weight gain.  Studies continue to show these preservatives and pesticides actually alter the function of what happens inside the body.  Eating organic, non-processed foods allows the body to filter nutrients far more efficiently, increase energy and promote weight loss.

A great weight loss by-product of incorporating organic foods into your meal planning is that it also increases metabolism rates.  When your metabolism speeds up, which is crucial for weight loss since it doesn’t have to process these harmful chemicals, you will be able to convert the organic food into their full energy potential.  This translates to less fatigue and having the extra energy needed to burn off even more calories.   Don’t hesitate; the time is now to begin the battle of the bulge by adding organic foods to your revised menu plan!

YouTube Video “Food Toxins: Keeping You Fat”, “Can Switching to Organic Food Help You Lose Weight?”,

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